
We use buttons to initiate actions inside and outside of the Buffer app. less/components/Button.less provides a number of predefined button styles, which are documented below, for most use cases.


This is the default style of a button. To use it, set the class property of a button or a node to Button.



Use this modifier to communicate a destructive action to the user. To use it, give an a, button, or div node an additional class of Button--state-error.


Use this modifier to communicate a non-primary action to the user. To use it, give an a, button, or div node an additional class of Button--type-borderless.


Use this modifier to communicate an in-app action to the user. To use it, give an a, button, or div node an additional class of Button--type-in-app.


Use this modifier to communicate a secondary action to the user. To use it, give an a, button, or div node an additional class of Button--type-secondary.


Use this modifier to communicate a primary action to the user when space is limited. To use it, give an a, button, or div node an additional class of Button--type-small.


Use this modifier to communicate a tertiary action to the user. To use it, give an a, button, or div node an additional class of Button--type-tertiary.


Use to communicate an action to the user using an icon only. To use it, give an a, button, or div node a class of ButtonIcon.